Drop by our home and BROWSE FOR YOUR BEADS this Sunday from 2-4. I have approximately 100 beads on hand. WARNING-- THEY WILL GO FAST! So get here early to get the best selection!!! I also have the COW HORN earrings too! There is a limited supply of the earrings so get them while you can!! They match so great with your necklaces! These are one of a kind, gotta have them, coversation starter beads! They come in ALL colors and are so original. They make FABULOUS gifts!!! The Payne family receives $10 for every necklace and earring purchase to go towards their adotpion costs. The necklcaes are a $25 donation and a $15 donation for the earrings! The remaining funds go back to Uganda to employ the women who make the beads and to a feeding program ran by local girl Katie Davis.
We fell in love this summer, on a mission trip to Ethiopia, with a 3 year old boy who lives in an orphanage!!! Now we are trying out best to make him a PAYNE and bring him HOME!!! I can't wait for all of you to meet him!!!! I miss him sooo much!!!
We live in the Bridgeton Park Subdivision in Brentwood. Take Concord Rd to Concord Pass. 2nd left on Concord Pass is the BP subdivision. We are at 1259 Wheatley Forest Drive! See you there!!
Thanks so much for all of your support! Those of you who already have your beads I would love for you to stop by! I need to get some pics of all my friends and family wearing their beads, so at least stop by and say HI if you can! and bring that friend who keps asking you where you got yours! :)
Repost this link today on your FB/Twitter page, let me know, and your name will go into a drawing for a FREE necklace Sunday at the event!!! Repost again on Sunday and get another chance at wining the necklace :) Thanks for helping us market this shoportunity!!!!!
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