Late last week, we got our homestudy APPROVAL.Yay!!! That document is now sitting in our agencies hands. Hopefully later this week, Philip and I will be signing the HomeStudy Review Final and the first check (other than our $250 application fee) will be written! Last Friday, we also received approval for our Adoption Agecny to work with us! Yay! We are using Celebrate Children International and Robby and I met the agency director and her husband while in Ethiopia! From what I can tell so far, and what I am hearing from others, SUE IS AMAZING to work with on this lengthy process!!! We are so excited to be working with her to bring our son home!!!
The ball is rolling folks!!! All that paperwork is starting to have a purpose now! As we printed out our paperwork last evening "to accept the approval" (only 30 pages or so of MORE paperwork-haha), we both had panic attacks. You see being approved means MONEY is NOW COMING DUE! And a LOT of it is coming due in the next 30-60 days! Total adoption cost package is approx $30K. It is a bit overwhelming and we are telling each other and ourselves that HE will provide this for us!
I am writing all of this to remember HOW we felt all day yesterday and to remind all of you to PLEASE let us know if you have any fundraiser ideas for us that you would like to share with us or even head up! We are going to need the help of our friends and family-- no doubt about it!
We are selling the Uganda Magazine beads to help fund our adoption (we make 10$ profit for each necklace). Would you like to take 10 or so and help us sell them? Would you like us to run up to your work on your lunch break and show your office these beautiful beads? Would you like me to bring them by your girls night, ask a bunch of school moms to meet us at Starbucks? Anything like that?? Does your child's school have a fall festival where we could set up a booth??? Any and ALL ideas are welcome! They are simply stunning and all one of a kind! You touch so many people with this purchase! We will probably be selling them soon one Saturday at 9 Fruits in Coolsprings. More on that to come! Would those of you who already bought some beads take a photo of you wearing your beads? ---Then post on your FB page with a note that tells all of your friends where to get them? :)
Also, we are now collecting items for a fall garage sale-- end of October. Can you please donate any clothes, house items, furniture, toys, anything that you no longer want to our yard sale? That would be great! Tell your neighbors too!!! We are happy to come and get it! Our gargae is going to be a mess until then, so close your eyes when our garage door opens, OK? :)
We are also working on some raffe ideas and we will hopefully be starting our first BIG raffle fundraiser SOON!!! I will need all of your help here too! Social Media will be the key to the success of this raffle! We hope for it to be a BIG one--more info to follow in the next few days- so stay tuned!!! :)
There is also that nifty little PAYPAL link at the TOP of our blog and it is "ready and able" to accept donations of all sizes at any time if you feel led to help!!! :)

I was so happy yesterday morning when I woke up. Ashli York, a sweet beautiful girl from our trip shared with me that she was MOVING to Ethiopia on November 1st! How amazing is that???? She has offered to go visit "our little one" for us and to take him some stuff from us!!!She will be able to see him, hold him, love him for us while we are over here waiting patiently to bring him home!!! Ashli, please cover him with KISSES!!! Oh, I cant wait to hear her report of HOW he is doing!!! God is so good! Ashli is going over to work with Sumer with the kids program in the trash dump!!!-- What a calling!!! I am sooo proud of you girl!!!!

There are so many things that are so wonderful that are beginning to happen as a result of that trip to Ethiopia 5 weeks ago. No doubt GOD handpicked each one of us to go on that trip! It was truly so amazing. Even though Ethiopia has become a 2 trip country for adoption, that raises our expense to bring our little bit home by quite a lot, I am thrilled that we get to see, feel and smell Ethiopia 2 more times!!! God is good!!!!
We are so ready to get this fundraising In full swing!!! We hope to open hearts of others by telling our story!! There are 147 Million Orphans out there who need a forever home!! Could it be yours?????

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