I kept telling myself its all in God's time, not ours, but I couldn't help feel responsible for not having HIS paperwork in the mail on the way to DC today. I just couldn't shake it and so I called our agency at lunchtime(when I was hoping to be downtown collecting our county and state seals), expecting to talk with one of the wonderful workers at Celebrate Children and our Agency Director answered the phone. Let me first tell you how AMAZING it is that an Agency Director ANSWERS her phone. We didn't go with a large adoption agency, and the benefits of a small agency in our opinion are PRICELESS! Our Agency Director just got home from Ethiopia last night at midnight, yet she was at the office taking calls by lunchtime. Also, what I failed to mention is that when I woke up this morning and opened my email we had 15 pictures of our little guy waiting on us!! She is such a doll, and seems to know just what I need when I need it!
Anyways, she answered soooo many questions that I had about the paperwork and the travel process. We threw around some scenarios of WHEN our travel dates may POSSIBLY be and some new developments may just have us there sooner and him home sooner than we had discussed a few weeks ago!! Yay!!!
Start praying everyone that we may travel THIS Nov/Dec for our first visit to Ethiopia! There will be MANY things to pray very soon about so we will keep everyone posted....
Also, we still have to get that pesky paperwork (that I now loathe) on its way and off of our kitchen table! Our hands are tied for the moment and are waiting for some items to be re-notarized and to come in the mail from out of state in order to do so. So for the time being, we are moving on to the NEXT pile of paperwork and a VERY important package that we just found out about today that will go out tomorrow!
So, the BEST news that we got today was that not only what our travel dates MIGHT look like, but that our agency director or her husband will be going back to Ethiopia next week ! She told us we can go ahead and get in the mail to her some "items" for our little bit-- family photo album, some toys, some candy,dvd's a few clothes-- really whatever will fit in this 2 1/2 gallon ziploc bag. That won't be a whole lot we can send over, and she mentioned the MOST important thing will be the photo album!
Back to work I went and when I got home I found out my husband had went shopping.....
this is what I came home to--------------------
So how is all of that, gonna fit into this?
AND we still have to add a few toys and a photo book!!!
I think SOMEONE got a little excited today shopping for his little guy, don't you??? Funniest part to me is that Philip bought him a swimsuit and swimshirt. ??? Why you ask? I am still scratching my head on that one too!!!! :) Got to love it.
We will get the rest of his goodies tomorrow for his ziplock bag and now THIS has become the most important thing that goes in the mail THIS week! We can't beleive that next week HE WILL FIND OUT THAT WE ARE GOING TO BE HIS FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I so hope there are pictures to follow his getting our bag of goodies, and him looking at the HIS family album!! I am putting pictures of HIM in the family album too, so he will see that he is already part of our family!!! I even have one of he and I while we were in Ethiopia!!! I can't wait! It was a VERY emotional day, and it was sooo good! Our family is on Cloud 9 tonight! Watch out little man.... WE ARE ON OUR WAY!!!! :)
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