He is getting REALLY good at receiving gifts!! He began feeling better once we got some meds in him and believe it or not we went the ENTIRE night without re-dosing!! God is good! We have had whatever this is now for 6 days so we are hoping that we are the end of this mystery viral that he seems to have brought to America with him! I can tell you this... he HATES hospitals! Poor little guy-- it was so terrible watching his sweet little body have to go through all of those tests. By the way, Philip is the light weight in all of this-- he was dying when Mamo was screaming "Daddy, Daddy...". But we had to let the doctors do their work!!!
So, we all came home from the hospital (7 hours after we checked in), opened our CE presents
(Christmas Eve present which every year is cute new PJ's) and off to bed we went. Mamo just collapsed. Emotionally, physically and mentally it was a LONG day for him and also for us! We were so glad to see our pillow..we were all wiped out!
We got up this am not sure what to expect from him and we were greatly surprised! He jumped straight out of bed ( No fever) and when he went into the living room he saw presents everywhere! He may have never had a Christmas before in Africa, but let me tell you...he caught on REAL quick that some of these presents were HIS!
He has been in the BEST mood ALL DAY!!!! We have had a blast having a little one in the house again!! He moved around this house bouncing from toy to toy like he was a "professional!" I guess somethings are "universal" because he "got" that these were his new toys!!! He was sooo happy and in the sweetest mood all day long!
His favorite things he got was a SPRITE in his stocking, M&M's, his new red and blue tent and gobs of playdough! He also LOVED his new Thomas underwear that were in his stocking...cracks me up!!!
He helped mommy cook breakfast,
dueled with daddy with his toy swords in his tent,
made playdough hamburgers for everyone...
had a blast playing with his Robby and Caitlin-lin-lin....
and he has marvelled all day at the pretty snow!!!
Promise I'm not a BAD mom...(he's been sickly) so we were outside for about 2 minutes max! :)
He has also eaten up a storm-- which is a first in the last few days!! It was literally like we got our little boy back!
He got some cute snow/rain boots from Santa..but we couldn't get him to put them on..but he did put on sissy's new Uggs...
He is doing better..and we have all had a wonderful Christmas!!! So excited to be a family of 5 this year and to experience all of these "firsts" with him! Thanks to all of you for all of your prayers! We have felt them and they are working! Keep praying while we await test results please! He keeps pointing to his tummy so we know something isn't right there! It is awful not being able to do anything about it! We just pray that the docs find out soon so we can begin to treat his tummy and his pain!
Merry Christmas to all! What a glorious day it was and may we all remember the true meaning of Christmas!
Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger."
Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying,
"Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests.
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