I am so excited about this, cause I recently jumped on board with Ordinary Hero to HELP families and individuals fundraise!!!

You see it was OUR experience that fundraising is just down right HARD and actually PAINFUL! Yes, there were joyous moments when we were fundraising, but it was a VERY HUMBLING act to ASK others to help. We felt like we were being JUDGED by asking others to help. I am sure sometimes we were and other times we were just paranoid! It was just so not like us TO ASK FOR HELP! BUT Bottom line is that we were called to go get our Mamo... and it was A LOT of money to bring home our little Miracle! No denying it was the Lord's plan (who else can orchestrate an adoption from first meeting him and not being "paper ready" to having him home in 5 months!) But the BOTTOM line is God told us to TRUST HIM and that he would provide the means to bring this beautiful boy HOME! We knew that by "FUNdraising" we would PREACH about the Orphan CRISIS and possibly move others HEARTS to consider and act upon adoption... we felt like this was what we were SUPPOSED to do! It sure was HARD though! We were blessed to only have to raise PART of the money we needed, and so many others that we know NEED to fundraise ALL of it! I am so excited to help others who are now walking in our shoes, down the fundraising path, and hope to offer some encouragement along the way!! :) I had several friends that PICKED me up along the way when the fundrasing wasn't so fun! I would have never made it without them! So this is my way to reach out to others and HELP!
A few months back, Kelly Putty launched the Ordinary Hero STORE site. It is a site that allows families and those interested on seeking mission oppotrunities a chance to sell products and earn a "commission" on what they sell! :) GENIUS! We had a t-shirt fundraiser when we were funding our adoption (that proved to be A LOT of work with little profit), so when I heard about Ordinary Hero selling T-shirts that you can ask your friends and family to buy I thought this was SO COOL! Becoming an AFFILIATE is FREE! and you simply ask your friends and family to check out the Ordinary Hero Store for goodies to BUY and they get something cool and the affiliates get 40% commission off each item sold! (And they don't have to ship ANYTHING!) Kelly has people that do that!!! That is a HUGE bonus, let me tell you that right now! I LIVED at that postoffice and all the postage really added up! This is HUGE folks!~
Oh yeah, and because she is soo generous, Kelly also offers GRANT money in the way of contests to keep her affiliates motivated! FREE MONEY folks! 40% earning and a chance at GRANT Money$$$! That should perk up some ears! SIGN up today to become an affiliate. Word on the street is you might want to sign up soon! Real soon! Another contest is starting to take shape! :)
If you know someone in the adoption process, or someone who is thinking about it please tell them to Check out the Ordinary Hero Affiiliate program!
If you know someone wanting to take a Mission Trip, to Africa, To Haiti, To ANYWHERE tell them about this program! Its not CHEAP to go on these trips, so please support someone who is trying to go!!!
#1 reason WHY people dont ADOPT or go on MISSION TRIPS is LACK OF FUNDS TO DO SO!!! Kelly is trying to help change that!!! ( She just couldn't stop at her ORIGINAL slogan of CHANGE THE WORLD FOR ONE-- she is taking it upon herself to Change the world for A WHOLE LOTTA Folks!!!!) Ha! ha!
So, MY job with Ordinary Hero is "FUNdraising Coach"! :) I help others stay motivated along their journey and give them selling ideas on how to reach more people. I am also helping Kelly find items/merchandise for the OH STORE! We are working on some adoption shirts for families who are interested in adoption, as well as some cool gear for our Mission Trip folks. Ordianary Hero aslo has some REALLY "On the ground" PRACTICAL items that are for sale benefiting the children and villages in Africa. I am working with a few different Non-profits in Africa right now, hoping to help them with few select ministries that we hope to bless by partnering with them. :) Soo excited about that and can't wait to see where God leads us with those ministries! (Think Handicrafts!!!)
Check the Ordinary Hero STORE often, as we hope to continually bring NEW items to offer to our affiliates to FUNdraise with! :)