One of my favorites from today....
Good job buddy mommy.
A surprise phrase he used in the correct context last night at dinner...
Thank you sooooo much (after I gave him more chop-pots(Pork Chops...Ha ha!)
Another surprise at dinner tonight
Want some Robby? Want some Caitlin-lin?(sharing his ranch dressing for dipping)
abcdefT, hijkPPPPP, (something in amharic here), (something in amharic there), Z. :)
Daily conversations.....
Robby school? Caitlin school? Mamo school, yes? (Yes, Mamo. Soon.) Daddy work, yes? Mommy work, no.
Daddy shower? Mommy shower? Robby shower? Caitlin-lin shower? Mamo shower, NO.
Talking to daddy on the phone tonight
Come now home daddy...
Daddy-acies (translation Daddy-licious)
I love you very much
Another favorite
Tomorrow daddy no work, yes?
Tonight watching Idol...
Sil-ly Ran-dy!
Pointing to the bad singers while shaking his finger, No, No No! and holding his ears!
One word we learned in Amharic this week...Potato..De-nee-chee... apprently comfort food from home and went NUTS when he saw a plastic play potato that we got this week (play food), and its all he has talked about. Mama bought a bag of potatoes yesterday :) I mean a bag of de-nee-chees... :)
STILL My favorite every night while we snuggle as he falls asleep...
he grabs hold of both my cheeks tightly with his palms and stares at me very closely and very seriously says...
I love you Mommy... ve-ry much. and he just hangs on to me sooo tight!
That one gets me EVERY night! :)
Love, Love, Love! He keeps all of us laughing, and laughing! and surprising us with his English words! :) We are like...what did he just say? It's like that ALL DAY LONG!
We were trying to explain to him tonight that he was a kid, Robby was a kid, Caitlin was a kid..... He didn't like that at all...
His response...No, Daniel Mamo (while pointing at himself!)
Now, How about that?
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